Doctors worked through the night to save the life of the injured man 医生彻夜工作以拯救伤者的生命
We then worked through the night with the help of masters blessing power 在师父的加持下,我们的工作提早完成。
We often had to work through the night to get the stage ready in time (我们时常必须熬夜准备让演出能如期举行。 )
In the past i held very deep rooted concepts , thinking that a human being could only feel good if one has a full eight - hour sleep . also that working through the night , sleeping too late or poor quality sleep would adversely affect one s mood and work the next day 我有个根深柢固的观念,认为人一定要睡足八个小时精神才会好,而且熬夜?睡或睡眠品质不佳也常造成隔天情绪工作上不良的影响。
The neapolitan team , working through the night in a spartan garage , not only included the area ' s finest pastry chefs but expert carpenters , sculptors and painters pooling their skills to produce this ode to the cocoa bean 那不勒斯的糕点师们在一个条件简陋的车库里通宵达旦地工作,他们中不仅有当地最好的糕点师,还有木匠、雕刻家和画家等专业人士,他们各显所能,协力合作,用可可豆创造了这部颂诗。